So Here I Am



So here I am. There you are. And here we are together.
So what is this all about? This is a blog- a little bit about me, introducing me and what it is I do. What I’d like to do through this forum that is social media, is provide you with information and perhaps a little wisdom of who I am, where I have been, where I am going to, what interests me, what excites me, what I know ( and what I don’t know) and more importantly what I can offer to you . I would like to explore what it is that I’m passionate about and why I think this may be beneficial to your wellbeing. Topics such as grounding and embodiment, being heart centred, transcending living in the fight or flight or survival mode, clearing and having a strong energy field and more to create the life you desire.
I have been in the wellness industry for aeons and am passionate about creating a space whereby you, yes that is you!- can discover yourself, remember yourself and remember how powerful and magnificent a being you truly are. I know you are not your fears, subconscious blocks and patterning, your pain, your stress, your anxieties- all that are truly preventing you from being you. Through naturopathy, kinesiology, massage and other tools I create a space whereby I ignite an awakening to give you awareness and a state of presence on your journey of self discovery- so that you can truly feel what it means to feel alive and gasp! perhaps even experience a bit of joy in your life! If this sounds good to you please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. Much love.

By |2019-05-13T12:13:30+00:00May 13th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on So Here I Am

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