Well we are living in very interesting times to say the least

We are all attempting to navigate this mind matrix and this is a MIND VIRUS.

It is a war on our minds so to speak. If you don’t believe this just turn on the telly (cardinal pell acquitted?????)

Watch the news, read the internet, go on social media, so much information, sometimes I feel I am in a bit of shock.


We are watching systems falling down like a pack of cards

We are witnessing how quickly our systems are collapsing… over a virus? I’m not sure…. Over money economics, power and control. Absolutely.

The ship is going down. And there’s not much we can do about that

We can panic

We can hope for it to come back up

We can pray for rescuers

or better yet we can rescue ourselves.

What do I mean here?

In a way this virus has been a great equaliser. Everyone is affected, everyone is struggling and it’s not because of their background, education, personality, race- its because this is affecting us all.  No one is better than anyone because of their status, car, job, some letters behind their name.

I think we are beginning to realise those things dont mean much and they can all be wiped away in an instant. No one is better than anyone else because they can function in a sick society. No one.

And in these times of uncertainty I like to focus on the things I am certain about this IS a period of great change. Fact. And I WANT things to change and it is not going to come from the top down, it’s going to come from the bottom up. From us the people. From You and me.

One of the major issues is that we’ve forgotten there is another way to be. There IS a way out of the cage but we’ve been in it for so long we have forgotten the way out.  We have forgotten who we are.

When did we stop dreaming? When did we buy into all this?

Think about it. I mean really think about this one.

Do you ACTUALLY think there COULD be another way to be?

And this is where it comes back to you- always comes back to you!I know this may seems incomprehensible and futile to some people. The struggle is real but here’s a thought….

Who would you be without this slavery system? Have you ever thought?

Have you ever dared to dream? Maybe its time to start. This is the perfect time for a reset. And if we are all in this together which we are, what are we going to create? Do think you could give yourself the space, the courage, the power to dream even for one minute?

Focus on the things you care about, the things you know are certain.

I am certain I care about this planet. I am certain I want for things to change on this planet. I’m certain I care for my kids, my family, my partner, my community, people, animals, nature butterflies!

I am certain I care about me and how I’m feeling. Now has never been a better time than to FOCUS on those things.

And if we all focus on these things together, imagine the possibilities?

So no we haven’t given up all control, we haven’t lost, we are not helpless

There is hope and it starts with you. That is a certainty!

Much love.









By |2020-04-08T14:00:49+00:00April 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on

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